Dishonored 2 metacritic download
Dishonored 2 metacritic download

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Those are my thoughts so far on this game. It annoyed the heck outta me that the game is so bad at indicating if I’m about to enter a hostile area or not and it’s annoying running into an area to suddenly be surrounded by enemies because you figured you were heading into a neutral zone

dishonored 2 metacritic download

I’ve hear the Clockwork mission is super good but I just couldn’t get through the intro to that level. I feel frustrated because I can’t tell if I approached this game at the wrong time or if I’m actually bouncing off. The scenarios I’m being placed in lack the fun of the first and honestly I’m struggling to care about what’s going on because everyone is so lifeless and the world is gray and dull. I started the third mission and so far it’s felt incredibly linear and constricting. The sequel feels like it’s lacking all of that. I remember being introduced to the ability to become a rat and that really opened up a lot doors. This was even in fairly early hours of the first game. I felt it did a good job at putting you in a fun stealth sandbox and gave you plenty of tools to have fun. I played through the first game and I enjoyed it a bunch. I picked up Dishonored 2 from the Steam sale and I’ve put around 3 hours in so far.

Dishonored 2 metacritic download